mardi 10 février 2015

Forex (Foreign Exchange, Forex currency exchange) simply means the buying of one currency and selling another at the same time. In other words, the currency of one country is exchanged for those of another. The currencies of the world are on a floating exchange rate, and are always traded in pairs Euro/Dollar, Dollar/Yen, etc. In excess of 85 percent of all daily transactions involve trading of the major currencies.
Forex trading requires a constant monitoring. You can win the forex market if you can monitor the forex market all the time and should be able to analyze it. Trading forex needs a lot of research. Forex trading needs full time effort. Its not so easy to win the forex market just by being a part time trader.
Whether it is full time trader or a part time trader, forex market needs a lot of technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Doing fundamental analysis is really very easier than doing the technical analysis.
A technical analysis is founded on three suppositions:
1. Movement of the market considers everything;
2. Movement of prices is purposeful;
3. History repeats itself.
Basically technical analysis should be viewed as the study of historical prices at the market in order to forecast or even know with greater probability in what direction the future prices will move. Technical analysis needs various technical indicators, different types of charts, graphical methods and analytical methods.
Technical analysis needs a lot of time, concentration and patience. At the end of technical analysis, you get an idea when to buy the forex and when to sell the forex in order make the profits.
As a part time trader, you cannot keep much time for technical analysis. It's the work of full time traders. But in that case, how could a part time trader win the forex market?
Forex market is growing faster and faster than any other market in the world. Many latest tools have also evolved for the forex market. The solution for the part time traders is to get the forex trading signals.
Trading signals are time-tested indicators of trends in the forex market. Breakouts, support levels and resistance levels, envelope patterns, currency pairs near moving averages, stochastic lines, oscillators, Fibonacci levels - application of these indicators enable forex traders to make a profitable entry into the market. There are about 26 such indicators - reason enough for investors to rely on seasoned forex brokers.
In other words, Forex Trading Signals are selling and buying recommendations given by any third party. Such parties could be brokers, brokerage firms, analysts, traders, forex related software tools, etc. Different parties offer different signals, tips, and trends for trading in forex markets. It is best to collect daily Forex signals from reliable sources. A combination of fundamental and technical analysis forms the foundation of accurate Forex signals.
In the other way, the part time traders should either subscribe for signals with any forex expert organization or they should have some software tool which would do the technical analysis for them and give the signals.
If you subscribe for forex signals with any forex expert organization, the forex signals cost anywhere from $50 to $200 a month. It's up to the individual trader to decide if the cost is worth it. Don't think that signals can take the place of trader education: they are advice, and if you don't have the knowledge to analyze the advice, you should go back to the books before using a signal service.
Now coming to the forex trading software tools, there are some tools which will be available to you provided by your forex broker and also some independent tools (automated forex trading systems) which are independent on any of the brokers. These automated forex trading systems generate the signals for the day that when to buy the forex and when to sell the forex and automatically place orders for your broker without your presence
Coming to the automated forex trading systems that generate the trading signals, they are more handy. Generally the tools that are provided by forex brokers, they will be restricted to only particular currencies, but that would not be the case with the independent automated forex trading systems. These tools will be available in the internet market and that too for a low and affordable price. There is no need for you to pay every month for these tools; it's just a one time purchase. There tools generally doesn't cost more than $100.
The main advantage of these automated forex trading systems is that there is no need for you to depend on any other forex signal providing organizations or on the forex brokers who serves you. There are many chances that your forex brokers systems may also get down due to some other reasons. They can even trade for you even while you sleep!
To catch up with fast growing forex market and to make good profits in forex trading, I prefer the automated forex trading systems. These automated forex trading systems will be of more useful to both part time and full time forex traders.

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